Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message


Welcome Back to St. Sahag St. Mesrob Armenian Saturday School!

As we prepare to embark upon a new school year, I would like to extend a heartfelt “Welcome” to all our students and families and hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable summer with family and friends. For our students, new and returning, it is a time filled with anticipation and excitement as they prepare to reacquaint themselves with friends, to develop new friendships, and to enter the next grade level.

This September we are extremely excited about a few significant changes, namely the use of the beautiful facility of the Hawthorn School for Girls as well as changes in the teaching methods with the implementation of new textbooks.

Please note that with the move into Hawthorn School, and in order to comply with the policies of our host school, there have been some revisions/additions to our school policy. Please review the new policy, which is posted at Also, please review the school calendar and make a note of the four of the thirty-four Saturdays that we will gather at the Holy Trinity Armenian Church instead of Hawthorn School in order to celebrate important events and to continue strengthening our ties with our church.

As always, I also encourage parents to be active in their children’s learning by communicating regularly with the teachers, monitoring their homework, visiting the school’s website for new announcements, and volunteering at the school.

The staff and administration of St. Sahag St. Mesrob Armenian Saturday School are looking forward to a productive school year and are committed to providing our students the quality Armenian education that they deserve. Therefore, we ask that you ensure that your children arrive at school on time every scheduled Saturday and remain at school until the end of the school day. Note that this year school commences at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 1:30 p.m.

Once again, to all of our parents, students, staff, volunteers, and community members, “Welcome Back!” We all have an important role to play in the success of our students and I look forward to working closely with you throughout the 2014/2015 school year to ensure that this is an exciting, fulfilling, and rewarding year for our “school community.”


Dr. Arpi Panossian Muttart, Principal
Ara Ter Haroutiunian, Vice Principal

School Council members:

Talar Antoniou
Rita Bedirian
Armineh Boyadjian
Taline Kavoukian
Lilit Mirzoyan
